Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Education I Oppose

Posted on: July 2nd, 2023

Not all higher education is good. In fact, some of it can be dangerously hurtful, especially among Gods people. Thats the kind Im opposed to.

I am opposed to the kind of higher education which becomes an end in itself; the kind without point or purpose. Most elective higher education presupposes its employment in some way. Prospective preachers, for instance, can learn much in subjects such as English and Speech that will improve their effectiveness as public speakers and writers — but only if they employ what is learned. However, to become a professional student who is ever learning with little intention of ever doing is to waste precious time that ought to be redeemed (Eph. 5:16).

I am opposed to the kind of higher education that promotes pride–that subtle kind of pride that self rarely recognizes or confesses. Such pride is almost limitless in its expression. It may lack patience with the ignorant and uneducated brethren. It may even be critical of them for being unable to fathom and appreciate the great instruction and instructor with which they have been blessed (?). (How opposite the truly educated instructor who accommodates his instruction to the level of his listeners in bite-size and digestible chunks — the way Jesus did.) When higher education lowers our esteem for brethren and hinders our association with them, it has been a hurtful education. Care must be taken to insure that higher education is not attained at the expense of humility.

I am opposed to the kind of higher education among Bible teachers that complicates and confuses the gospel message. For instance, the use of a vocabulary that is intended to enhance the speaker more than the message edifies no one (1 Cor. 12:26b). Learning and being edified are impossible without understanding; understanding is impossible when the language is not common to teacher and learner. Even humble men of higher education can unwittingly use expressions that are natural with them but not understood by their audience — it may sound good, but who is profited? Paul did not come with excellency of speech (1 Cor. 2:1), neither should we! The gospel needs no embellishment. Its persuading power does not lie in the wit and wisdom of its proclaimers, much less in their ability to quote from the Greek.

I am opposed to the kind of higher education that causes less appreciation for first principle Bible subjects. Such milk is ever appropriate in the spiritual diet of every Christian and they should rejoice to know that others may be hearing it for the first time. Whether teacher or learner, highly educated or less, such truths are worthy of our hearing and repeating again and again with thanksgiving and appreciation.

I am opposed to the kind of higher education that promotes party spirit between the alumni or other educated peers; the kind that causes discrimination between brethren and destroys equality among believers. Seek it? Yes, if you will use it. Label it, handle with care.

Dan S. Shipley


Posted on: June 4th, 2023

It is so easy to focus on the mistakes we have made in our lives. It easy to get down on ourselves and play the tape: “I knew it! I knew I would mess up. Now look, I am a failure. I am worthless.”  Consider, are not the mistakes of the past contributors to who we are in the present? None of us would want to commit the same mistakes again but they do have value. So, rather than lament what we cannot change why not acknowledge who we are today, mistakes and all.

Also, we need to remember it is not where we start that matters, but where we finish and who we are at the finish line. Think about Saul of Tarsus and then think of him as the apostle Paul. Paul was not a murderer. He was not a rebel. Everything he did in his past was in good conscience, thinking that he was obeying the law. When he saw the light, he changed. He never forgot what he did and who he was. He embraced who he was and prayed for brethren of his Jewish heritage (Rom. 10:10-3). He will remember how he persecuted those of the way (1 Tim 1:12-14). His mind was pressing on for something far greater. He wanted to see the power of resurrection transform him and others into the image of the Lord. Where he started and where he finished were miles apart. 

We all start at the same place. We all start broken by sin. Guilty and ashamed of what we’ve done to hurt God and others. Helpless, hopeless, and wretched. Then we are introduced to good news! We are taught about the Christ who died for us, who arose and ascended to the right hand of the Father. There He reigns as King and Lord. We are introduced to forgiveness and hope. We are born again to a new life with a new mind and a new relationship with God. Great is the burden that rolled away; even greater is the grace that saves by faith. 

When we take a picture of that person in that moment and then take a picture twenty-five years later, that person does not look like the same individual. I am not talking about physical appearance, but rather the change in heart, character, nature, disposition, and teaching. We are not who we were. And we are not who we are going to be.

God wants to make us into a whole new person. Becoming a Christian is no small matter. The goal isn’t to simply make a few cosmetic changes to our lives, but to be transformed. To be like Jesus is the essence of discipleship (Phil. 3:12-14). As I strive to be like Jesus, I will improve every relationship in my life. As I strive to be like Jesus, I will be happier. As God’s work progresses and as my relationships improve, obviously my life will be better. As I strive to be like Jesus, I know God is pleased. 

One of the problems that can come with surface discipleship is that we will know deep in our hearts that it’s not enough. Maybe you’ve sensed that in your own life.  Maybe you realize that you’ve been playing church rather than getting serious about serving God and imitating His Son. The goal of a disciple is not just to listen and follow what the teacher says, but to become like the teacher—to imitate Him. Let’s remember, that this concept of being like Jesus isn’t just some grand, lofty principle that we ponder. It is a principle designed to impact the way we live our life every day.

Hold up a mirror—what do you see? Is it reflecting Jesus (Gal 2:20; Psa. 17:15)? The victory Jesus provides is forgiveness of sins but also the power to break the habit of sin and be transformed. That is the power of His resurrection. That is the good news! 

Rickie Jenkins / 02/01/23 – The Bible Way

Unplanned Consequences

Posted on: May 21st, 2023

The girl heard the news and began to sob. She could feel all of her dreams and expectations for life changed on account of the unplanned consequences of her fornication.

When the drunk finally regained consciousness and the news of his actions and upcoming trial were brought to him, he was dumbfounded. He could never have imagined the unplanned consequences of his drunk driving.

The children were no longer the same. Happy and bright young boys and girls were now moody, depressed, and restless teenagers. The parents mourned the unplanned consequences of their divorce.

Such stories, while heartbreaking, represent common themes in our current society. How many people, had they recognized the unplanned consequences of their deeds, would have acted differently? How often is the old adage repeated, “Hindsight is 20/20?” Such, however, represents the nature of sin: sin seduces with fleeting pleasure without betraying its terrible consequences (Hebrews 3:12-14; 11:25).

Christians understand that sin has unplanned consequences, and such is part of the reason we must so strongly proclaim God’s truth so that more can be delivered from the darkness of sin and be transferred to the Kingdom (Colossians 1:13). We sympathize with people living with unplanned consequences for sin, having once been sinful and without hope ourselves (Titus 3:1-8).

Do we deceive ourselves, however, into thinking that unplanned consequences only come upon people in such situations? Should we also not consider how our own actions and attitudes may have unplanned consequences?

What if, as Christians, we choose to spend more time with worldly associates and less time with fellow Christians? Sure, there is nothing intrinsically wrong with spending time with people of the world, and if we are to promote the Gospel in this world, we must have such association at times (I Corinthians 5:9-10; Matthew 5:13-16). Yet we are told to prefer one another and to consider fellow believers as brothers and sisters, as dear or dearer than physical family (Romans 12:10; Matthew 12:46-50). The unplanned consequences could involve one falling away on account of the bad influence (I Corinthians 15:33), a spiritual weakening for the same reason, or seeing the same trend in one’s children who are never as faithful as they ought to be.

What if, as Christians, we frequently choose social or sporting events, television shows, minor ailments, or any other reason over assembling with the saints? While we may not be violating the letter of Hebrews 10:24-25, we certainly violate its spirit. The unplanned consequences of such preferences could include a lack of encouragement or even discouragement of other Christians, spiritual laxity and weakening, and a negative pattern established for our children.

What if, as Christians, we can only complain and speak negatively of Christians and the church? Such is against Philippians 4:8 and James 5:9. Furthermore, the negative consequences can include further sliding into spiritual weakness, discouraging those with whom you communicate to the point of spiritual weakness and apostasy, and children who understandably want little to nothing to do with such a source of negativity in the lives of their parents.
While unplanned consequences of sin in life can often be endured, we must always be sober-minded and strive to avoid difficulties when possible. Why should we even flirt with the possibility of becoming spiritually discouraged, impacting others negatively for their faith, or even being a reason for the eventual unfaithfulness of children? Let us determine to do away with unplanned consequences and follow God today!

Ethan R. Longhenry / April 29,2006

Things My Momma Said

Posted on: April 2nd, 2023

If you fall out of that tree and break your neck, I’m gonna wear you out!”  Sometimes we don’t think before we go out on some limb. It’s foolish to be where we don’t belong, even if it’s a bit exciting. “Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18).

“If you can’t be happy, you can at least smile while you’re not.”  That may seem like an oxymoron, even patently foolish, but it’s just good advice. Fact is, even when you’re upset or discouraged, a smile can bring a measure of relief, both to yourself and to others. “A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance; but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.” How about a smile, now?

“You aren’t going out and make your mother ashamed, are you?”  Solomon said, “A wise son maketh a glad father; but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother” (Proverbs 10:1). You can’t do wrong without a poor influence being exerted. It behooves every one of us to consider how the Father feels when we deliberately do things that are wrong.

“If you can’t say something nice, maybe you shouldn’t say anything at all.”  How often we retaliate with some verbal outburst against someone with whom we disagree, or someone we just plain don’t like. What progress is it? What is gained by it? “The prudence of a man deferreth his anger; and it is his glory to pass over a transgression” (Proverbs 19:11). I’ve finally learned that sometimes the best defense is no offense at all.
“You kids get out of this house; and don’t slam the door!”  Rules are part of life; and rules-keeping is what progress is all about. How many times have you heard your Mom or Dad tell you to be in at a certain time (and don’t slam the door!), or how often have you heard last minute instructions that have become almost boring because you’ve heard them so often? Because they are familiar, does that make them any less true? Actually, God’s rules don’t change and we would do well to pay careful attention when He says, “don’t slam the door!” “Hear counsel and receive instruction, that thou mayest be wise in thy latter end” (Proverbs 19: 20).

“You’re gonna finish your plate before you go out and play.”  How often has a great plan failed for a lack of perseverance. If it’s any good, it’s worth working for. If it’s any good, it’s worth finishing. How many times little difficulties have rescinded our efforts and halted our enthusiasm. “The slothful man saith, There is a lion without, I shall be slain in the streets” (Proverbs 22:13).

“This hurts me more than it hurts you.”  I never understood that–It was the seat of my pants that were on fire. It didn’t seem to hurt her at all. Not until I saw a tear in her eye a few minutes later did I understand what she meant. Then one day, I was about to spank one of the kids and I caught myself saying, “this hurts me more than it hurts you.” “Spare the rod and spoil the child” (Proverbs 13:24).

“You better shape up or I’m gonna tell your daddy on you.”  There is someone to which we must answer. That’s so even regarding the smallest things. As I’m wont to say, we need to “be wise small.” Actually, Mom didn’t have to tell the Father; he knew already. “The eyes of the Lord preserve knowledge, and he over-throweth the words of the transgressor” (Proverbs 22:12).

“Can’t you hear me? Listen, I’m talking to you.”  We so often don’t hear because we don’t want to. We don’t listen because it gets in the way of what we want to do. It’s very foolish to make a habit of not listening–especially to vital things. “He that refuseth instruction despiseth his own soul; but he that heareth reproof getteth understanding” (Prov. 15:32)

“You’re not going to wear those socks to church; they’ve got holes in them.”  It is just so that every man must examine himself. If we will, we’ll often see that we have a hole in some of our socks, that we need to be careful what we wear out in public. It’s a serious matter to allow one’s dirty or mis-matched sox to delay his progress, or restrict his coming to the Lord. Oh, to see ourselves as He does. We are too often prone to self-justification, even self-forgiveness. “Who can say, I have made my heart clean, I am pure from my sin?” (Proverbs 20:9).

“I still love you–even when your pants are dirty and you look like you haven’t washed your face in a week.”  “Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth” (Proverbs 24:17). True love learns patience. True love looks past imperfections, little warts, a little dirt on the face. That doesn’t mean that a person who loves tolerates sin; it means he tolerates the sinner, having had a little dirt on his face, too. What love God has manifested to us! What love has His Son Jesus shown in embracing us in all our dirtiness?

I love you, Mom.

Gone Fishing

Posted on: December 18th, 2022

The gospel is for all.  Is it really?  John 3:16-17 states, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.  For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world should be saved through Him.”  Later in the same chapter we read about John the Baptist who makes this passionate statement regarding Jesus, “The Father loves the Son, and has given all things into His hand.  He who believes in the Son has eternal life, but he who does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him” (John 3:35-36).  Jesus knew that He needed help in spreading the gospel – the good news. This was His purpose and mission while on this earth.  He recognized that the help would come from finding able men who could be His disciples and learn His message to help save the lost of this world from eternal destruction.
    “And walking by the sea of Galilee, He saw two brothers, Simon who was called Peter, and Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen.  And He said to them, ‘Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.’  And they immediately left the nets, and followed Him.  And going on from there He saw two other brothers, James the son of Zebedee and John his brother, in the boat with Zebedee their father, mending their nets; and He called them.  And they immediately left the boat and their father, and followed Him” (Matthew 4:18-22; cf. Mark 1:16-20).  These first disciples were not forced to follow Jesus.  They had a choice to continue to fish since they did not know this total stranger.  But, there must have been something they saw in Jesus, or what He said, that struck a chord in their hearts. There was a certain power in His statement that caused them to want to know more.  We later learn the names of the other apostles in the book of Matthew.  Jesus gave them strict instructions regarding their behavior when sending them out into the world to spread the message of the Gospel.
    In Acts 2 we learn more about the disciples and their love for Jesus.  How awesome it must have been for them to know Jesus personally and demonstrate their love for Him.  Being able to spend time with Him and to know His purpose, especially after being filled with the Holy Spirit, had to be undeniably the greatest experience they would ever know.  These fishermen would show their skills when delivering the message to those on the day of Pentecost.  We are all well versed that on that day when about three thousand souls were saved after being baptized.  What a big catch!
    We today must learn from their example and follow it.  We understand that we too must not be afraid to cast our net.  It is very simple: we must take the story of Jesus, and the message He has given us, and speak it out into the world around us.  Romans 10:14 states, “And how shall they believe in Him whom they have not heard?”  Our net is the gospel.  You must cast it to catch the heart of lost souls. Don’t expect to make a catch every time you cast your net, but keep trying. 
Things To Remember 
▸    Be patient.  
▸    Understand the risk and the rewards.  
▸    Focus on the casting, not on how many fish (people) you catch.  
▸    Understand our “nets” will require mending and repair at times. (Continue bible study and learn a growing knowledge of the best approach.) 
▸    It’s okay to take more time if you don’t get the results you want at first.  
▸    Don’t give up.  
▸    Cast again and again.  
▸    Keep sharing the gospel.  
▸    You don’t need to have any special talents; just try.  
▸    Remember to catch them before you try to clean them.  (Start with preaching Jesus first, and allow other instruction to continue over time.)   
▸    You need to have a love for the Word and a desire to help save the lost.  
▸    You can’t catch anything if you don’t cast your net.  
It’s ironic, when you fish, you take your catch out of the water.  When you convert, you take your catch (people) into the water (the water of baptism).  Continue the legacy of the original disciples to be fishers of men.  Remember the great commission, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you” (Matthew 28:19).  So, yes, the gospel is for all.  Now go, start casting your net!

Assurance Of Salvation

Posted on: June 26th, 2022

There is such a thing as a well grounded assurance of salvation and there is also such a thing as ill founded presumption. One of the primary goals of the Apostle John in the letter of 1John is to instill confidence in genuine believers that they are right with God and need not fear His judgment.  Consider some of the signs of life given to us in 1 John that help answer the question of “Where do I stand with God?”

The first sign of life is that we are walking in the light – 1 John 1:6-7. Light & Darkness are typically used in scripture with reference to moral uprightness or perverseness respectively. The faithful walk (their general manner of life) in light. They habitually prefer the pure to the impure; clean to dirty. The presumptuous may speak of a commitment, but they love the darkness. You regularly find them skulking about in dark alleys.

Second, is an awareness of sin – 1 John 1:8,10. The more time spent communing with God, the more glaring our sin becomes to us. The real believer knows that if sin were blue, everything he did, thought or said would be in some way shaded blue. By contrast the falsely assured become increasingly convinced that their sins are actually virtues. “I’m not gossiping, I’m just concern about how sister molly is doing with her alcohol problem.”

Third is obedience – 1 John 2:3-5; 3:7-8,10. True assurance knows that salvation is by grace through faith, but that it is a faith that is revealed in specific acts of obedience. False assurance says that it is legalistic to worry about obedience. Obedience grows in the faithful. Excuses grow in the presumptuous.

Next is a genuine longing to see the Lord – 1 John 3:2-3. Do you love theology and the discussion of issues? Nothing wrong with this, but it is possible to imagine we love the Lord, when we are actually in love with ideas and doctrines. Do you ache to see His face, hear His voice, touch His hand? Do you long for the day when you will be perfected and never have another sinful thought or action? If so you will be striving in the present to become what you are destined to be in eternity.

Last is love for the brethren – 1 John 3:14; 4:12-5:3. This is the proof John is most adamant about. The problem with the test of love is that, everyone thinks they are a loving person, but John reminds us that love is not “whatever I define it to be,” but love is seen in God’s sending His Son to take away our sins. In other words, love is actively seeking the best interests of others. Love is not just a pleasant attitude or empty words, but involves emptying ourselves in order to fill others. Love calls for the sacrifice of time, energy and money. In order for our love to give us confidence and assurance in the most frightening place imaginable – before the judgment seat of God – our love must parallel His love. So the question is clear. Do you love others? Are you sure? What deeds and actions are there to prove it?

This kind of evaluation always reveals shortcomings to the genuine soul searcher. Interestingly, the more you are troubled over your lack of holiness, the greater your assurance will be. This is because the one who finds himself regularly in need of the blood of Christ is the one who is daily pursuing Christ. If you find nothing in this article that convicts you or if your shortcomings do not bother you, then you have a deadly serious problem. The characteristic of the falsely assured are three: they are smugly confident that they are lacking in nothing, or they are angry that someone has pointed out their fault, or worst of all they see their errors, but don’t care.

So, let me exhort you to be a confident Christian. As the Apostle said, These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God (1 John 5:13). Do you believe in the name of the Son of God? Are you trusting in Him alone to save you from your sins? Have you been joined to Him in Baptism? Are you striving to show your love for Him by the obedience of your faith? Then stop doubting and rejoice that your sins are forgiven and your name is written in His book. <Lawrence Kelley>

Thoughts About Life

Posted on: January 30th, 2022

Solomon was the wisest man of his age.  When he was but a young man and had just ascended to the throne of his father, God appeared to him in Gibeon and said, “Ask what I shall give thee.”  Solomon, showing that he was a wise man even then, said, “Give me an understanding heart to judge thy people, that I may discern between good and bad…” (I Kings 3:1-ff).  God did according to His word and gave him the mind of minds, a wisdom far above all that were before him. He ultimately became the expression of human wisdom.  He went around once and did it all–all life had to offer.

Solomon ran an experiment with life.  He decided to consider “all things that are done under heaven,” to see what had value and what did not.  His experiment ran the gamut of life.  He searched in science, in politics, in agriculture, in philanthropy, in pleasure, looking in every nook and cranny to ascertain “what was that good for men all the days of their life.”

With a mind filled with determination, he lived life “with all the gusto you can.”  He sought wisdom and knowledge and found that “in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow” (1:18).  He worked on inequities and he saw that “that which is crooked cannot be made straight, and that which is wanting cannot be numbered” (2:15).  He concluded that “it is better to go to the house of mourning than to the house of feasting” (7:2), that there is no good to be had in reminiscing about the “good ol’ days” (7:10), that prosperity and adversity both have a place in life (7:14), that life is filled with all sorts of inequities (9:11), that a reputation which was a lifetime in the building can be destroyed in a few minutes by just one misplaced word (10:1), that there is no such thing as a secret (10:20), that diligence (9:10), humility (9:12) and prudence (9:16) are a necessary part of good life here.  But in none of it did he find any real satisfaction.

Life became for him a frustrating experience.  He said, “I hated all my labor which I had taken” and he concluded after having slaked his thirst for living by drinking of the very dregs of life, “I looked on all the works that my hands had wrought, and on the labor that I had labored to do: and behold, all was vanity and vexation of spirit, and there was no profit under the sun” (2:11).  He found in life only frustration and repeated anxiety.  The more he did the greater his frustration.

Interestingly, as he performed this experiment with life, his wisdom remained with him.  He was able, for instance, to stand off and view himself when he was intoxicated with wine or when he had “increased more than all that were before” him, while apparently retaining a sense of balance that allowed him to objectively appraise what he saw and felt (cf. 2:3,9).

He does note several things which contribute to happiness and tranquility as life is lived “under the sun.”  Good food and good friends, along with nice garments are concluded as being desirable for quality living (9:10).  Living joyfully with “the wife of thy youth” is recommended.  And the ability to accept with resignation the allotments of Divine Providence contributes to a happy life, he says (9:11).  It is not that life has no joy and pleasure, he concluded; there are joyful and satisfying moments in it.

But mostly his experiment is finished in sheer frustration, for he says, “Then the dust shall return to the earth as it was: and the spirit to God who gave it” (11:9).  And in one last gasp of desperation he concludes, “Vanity of vanities, saith the preacher, all is vanity,” indicating that there is actually no lasting benefit to life under the sun.
Life here us what you make it.  Its real value is to be properly measured by your determination to live it with the joy of salvation in it. To live a truly happy and satisfying life without God in it is a foolish endeavor doomed to sure failure.  And a mind not tuned to the word of God for its guidance and success is a demented mind which in the end produces nothing but sorrow.

And so, “let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter,” he says, “Fear God, and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man” (12:13).  A man’s focus must be other-worldly, his attitude that of a sojourner or he will never be truly happy. <Dee Bowman>

The People Connector’s Gift

Posted on: January 2nd, 2022

I have a gift for you. Actually, my part in the gift is just the writing and sending of this. Ultimately, the gift is one you will give to yourself. It’s a type of challenge for me as well as for you. It is this. Starting right now and running through the holidays, let’s determine to apply the following People Connectors every day as a means of making our holidays and the new year even better.

If we’re consistent in the application, I have no doubt that in the new year and going forward, all of our connections will be better and our lives will be fuller. This challenge is in the present tense and in the first person. Each of us is that person.

TODAY I will avoid whining and complaining. Unlike the lady who said she always felt bad even on days when she felt good, for fear she’d feel worse tomorrow, I’ll expose others to a contagious, positive attitude that’s worth catching.

TODAY I will talk about health matters only in a general and a positive way. I will spare others a personal “organ recital.”

TODAY I will talk in terms of the other person’s interest and, when possible, I will eliminate “I” from my pattern of speech. I will measure all that I say by the standard of “value or vanity.”

TODAY I will listen more than I talk, and ask more questions instead of making declarations.

TODAY I will encourage those who need encouragement. I will determine who needs encouragement by merely checking to see who’s breathing.

TODAY I will go the second mile. I will keep in mind that there are no traffic jams along the second mile, and that those who do more than they are paid to do will someday (by someone) be paid more for what they do.

TODAY I will live with enthusiasm, realizing that as I can make myself happy by singing I can also make myself enthusiastic by acting with enthusiasm. I will pick my head up, look others in the eye, call them by name – and smile.

TODAY I will speak my opinions sparingly and give advice cautiously, keeping in mind the proverb that says, “A fool speaks all his mind.”

TODAY I will build connections instead of walls. Life is too short for pettiness.

TODAY I will speak positively. If I can think of nothing positive to say, I’ll say nothing. Especially will I avoid saying negative things about others. Words have wings, and there is no telling where gossip will light.

TODAY I will be open-minded to new ideas and ways of doing things. I will avoid the type of mind that’s like concrete – all mixed up and permanently set. I will also avoid the type of open-mindedness that causes one’s brain to fall out. I will be fair-minded and objective.

TODAY I will keep in mind the words of Mark Twain who said, “Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand.” Or as Erma Bombeck said, “He who laughs…lasts.”

TODAY I will live as a “human becoming,” determined to become a better person today than I was yesterday. Otherwise, why do I need today?

<Terry L. Sumerlin>

Rightly Dividing The Word Of God

Posted on: December 5th, 2021

2.Tim.2:15 reads, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (NKJV). The last phrase, “rightly dividing the word of truth” literally means, “cut the word of truth straight, handle it properly.” This necessity is borne out by examining various translations, “handling aright the word of truth” (ASV), “handling accurately the word of truth” (NASV), ”correctly handling the word of truth” (NIV). All these translations clearly agree that for one to be approved of God as a worker who is not ashamed, one must understand how to properly treat the word of truth from God. At the same time, the phrase teaches that it is possible for people to mishandle the word of truth.

While many people are sincere when they mistakenly fail to rightly divide the word of truth, there are some who mishandle the word of God on purpose 2.Cor.4:2 (handling the word of God deceitfully); 11:3-4 (corrupting people by preaching another Jesus, another spirit, another gospel); 2.Pet.3:16 (twisting scriptures to their own destruction).

Following various religious discussions carried on, and posted on Facebook the last few weeks, I have observed that many of the arguments advanced by those opposed to the truth are based on a failure to rightly divide the word of truth. They draw false scriptural conclusions, based on situations that do not properly apply to the argument they are making. One of the basic things in Bible study is to study the context and understand to whom the things are written and when they are to be applied.

In the next two or three articles, I plan to notice five areas where religious differences have occurred because people are not “rightly dividing the word of truth.” 1. The difference between Faith and Opinion. 2. The difference between the Old and New Testaments. 3. The difference between a citizen and an Alien. 4. The difference between the Local church and Universal church. 5. The difference between Collective and Individual action.

Notice the first one. The difference between Faith and Opinion. It is a fact that some decide the rightness of wrongness of some religious matter simply because they have formed an opinion without a scriptural foundation. They do it because, “in their opinion,” it is right. But, basing an action on human opinion does not please God. As His children we are to “walk by faith, not be sight” 2.Cor.5:7. Since “faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God” Rom.10:17, and we are to walk by faith, then, logically, if we find no message from God in His word we have no right to assume that it is alright to follow our opinion. But many people do just that.

As we have seen, faith is established by what God says in His word.Rom.10:17; which is His revealed truth Jn.17:17; 16:13; 1.Thes.2:13. His word is plain enough that it can be understood if people want to understand it 2.Cor.4:13; Eph.5:17; 3:3-5. Faith lies in the realm of divine revelation, and we are told to hold fast to sound doctrine 2.Tim.1:13. When we speak as God speaks in His word, we walk by faith 2.Cor.5:7 rightly dividing the word of God 1.Pet.4:11; 1.Cor.4:6; 2.Jn.9. This is the safe course to follow Jn.8:31.

On the other hand, opinion is established by what man thinks or feels which is based on human reasoning, ideas, speculation and thoughts. ”I think” is not divine revelation. The following scriptures make it clear there is a difference between what men think and what God says Acts 26:9; Col.2:6-9; Matt.15:7-9; 21:23-27.

Opinion is dangerous because it adds to what God says. People don’t like unexplained mysteries, so if God has not chosen to reveal something, they decide to add their two cents worth to explain it. Sometimes the assumption (opinion) is harmless, unless people seek to bind the opinion on others. Note some examples where men speak their opinion about what God has not revealed. What kind of fruit came from the tree of knowledge of good and evil? Gen.3. We aren’t told, but people assume it was an apple. Is that faith or opinion? What kind of bush did Moses see burning in Ex.3:1-6? Why did Nicodemus come to Jesus by night? Jn.3:1-2. We are not told these things, but people have opinions. What did Jesus write on the ground when the woman taken in adultery was brought to Him Jn.8:6-8? Whatever people might say is opinion, not faith, since we are not told. This is opinion, not faith.

In 2.Cor.12:2-4 Paul tells us he was caught up into the third heaven. I believe this by faith because it is revealed. But what he heard and saw is not told, because he was not permitted to tell these things. Yet, a false religion exists today, based on the claims of a woman, Ellen White, who said she was caught up into the same heaven as Paul, and saw the fourth commandment, “Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy,” with a halo around it. She took this to mean people were to keep the Sabbath today, and she founded the Seventh Day Adventist church. Did she act by faith, or by opinion? I believe you know the answer.

Religious differences rise over what is not said (opinion, the silence of God). Opinion confuses and divides. If you talk with people you will hear a variety of answers for the kind of fruit eaten, type of burning bush, why Nicodemus came to Jesus at night, what Jesus wrote on the ground. But they speak opinion, not the revealed word of God. One has to know the difference between faith and opinion is discussing different religions practices. Things such as baptism (how, who, why), what names to wear, the type music to use in worship services Prov.14:12. We will deal with some of these later.

Tommy Thornhill

What Is The Church Worth To You?

Posted on: November 7th, 2021

Perhaps the first thing you thought when you read the above question was to think, “Why, the church is worth everything to me!” Is that really true? Most of you who are reading this are members of the church of Christ and able to enjoy the many privileges and blessings that go along with being a member of God’s family. So, we all need to consider the question very carefully, “WHAT IS THE CHURCH WORTH TO ME AS A MEMBER?”

IS THE CHURCH WORTH YOUR LOYALTY? I am sure we all agree the church cost God and Christ more than most are willing to pay. It cost God His Son, Jesus Christ, His blood. It cost the apostles their lives to establish and spread the church throughout the world. The early disciples were so loyal to the cause that the church was spread throughout the world in about 40 years Col.1:23. This was loyalty. It meant DEDICAION TO A CAUSE, willing to die to proclaim it. It meant UNWAVERING ZEAL to spread it, even in working day and night at this task while others turned back. It meant COURAGE and BOLDNESS to stand before rulers and mobs telling it “like it was,” This was loyalty This is what the church was worth to the early disciples. Yet today many are not willing to do the things for the church they claim to love so much. When brethren quit defending the church and no longer demand a “thus says the Lord” and do not speak “as the oracles of God” then I question their loyalty. Some are more zealous and dedicated to the defense of some human innovation or institution than to the Lord’s church. This is not loyalty to the Lord. What about you? Are you resolved to give the Lord your full allegiance?

ISTHE CHURCH WORTH YOUR PRESENCE? The Lord has promised, “where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst” Matt. 18:20. Yes, I know the primary application of this scripture is dealing with church discipline, but I also believe it has a secondary application which would include brethren assembling to worship Him. In other scriptures we are exhorted to “not forsake the assembling of ourselves together” Heb.10:25. While the primary consideration of this verse seems to be the assembly on the first day of the week, it does say “assembling” which would include other times also. Yet it would seem from the attendance or rather the lack of attendance to the Bible classes and Sunday and Wednesday night serves, that many feel the church is not worth spending too much time with brethren. Some are like butterflies flitting from place to place. How can the classes operate efficiently when the teachers can not be sure who will be there? How can the preacher preach his best when many of the seats are empty from neglect? We see to it that our children are clothed, fed and educated in secular things, but many times fall short with showing the same concern for spiritual things. Every time you do not come on Sunday or Wednesday night because of simple carelessness or neglect you demonstrate the fact that these services are not worth much to you. Isn’t the Lord worth more of your time than two or three hours weekly? How much time do you give to the Lord?

IS THE CHURCH WORTH YOUR MONEY? We live in a land of prosperity with our bodies covered, bellies fed, and a roof and bed to shelter and rest us. Yet the greater portion of the contribution comes from a handful of people. The only way the church can scripturally raise money is through the members laying by in store on the first day of the week 1.Cor.16:1-2. Do you really believe you are abounding in the work if you neglect to give properly? Look at the contribution and ask yourself, “How much of this did I give?” “Could I do more?” Many opportunities to preach the gospel are lost because of a lack of funds. Are you giving your fair share?

IS THE CHURCH WORTH YOUR RESPONSIBILITY? The church cannot function properly unless each member is willing to do his/her share. One problem today is the failure of many to exercise their responsibility to the kingdom. They have been at ease too long. Many have forgotten that someone took the time to teach them the truth. It is time to awake and get busy. Is the church worth working for?

The integrity of a good name, the love of a wonderful family, or even the privilege of living in a free country mean much more to all of us. Many are willing to defend these material freedoms since they are considered precious and desirous. Yet when it comes to spiritual things it doesn’t seem to mean as much to some as it should. Should this be so, brethren? The church is worth all these things! Our loyalty, presence, money and responsibility. Let each of us resolve to get busy and DO ALL WE CAN – WHEN WE CAN. You might be surprised at the result. <Tommy Thornhill>