Our Worship Service
Does God tell us how we should worship Him today? To answer, let us look at how the
early Christians worshiped when they assembled. The five public expressions of
worship about which we read in the New Testament are:
– Edification through preaching or teaching (Acts 20:7, 1 Corinthians 15:1-2)
– Praying together (Acts 2:42)
– A Capella Singing (1 Corinthians 14:14, Ephesians 5:19)
– The Lord’s Supper (Acts 10:7, 1 Corinthians 11:20-34)
– Giving (1 Corinthians 16:1-2)
You will see these practiced in the Sunday assemblies at Grissom Road. We know from
Cain and Abel’s example that God does not approve of every act of worship devised by
humans. However, we know that God approved of how the early Christians worshiped
Him in their assemblies and, by approving their example, God tells us how to worship
Him today so that we can please Him as they did.
About Us
Christ sacrificed Himself on the cross to build His church, called the body of
Christ, with Him as the head. In God’s infinite wisdom He established the local
church so Christians could gather, learn about His word, be encouraged, and grow
strong. At Grissom Road:
– We are a local church of Christ, not part of a denomination but a collection of
God’s people in one place, brought together through our joint fellowship with Him.
– We come into fellowship with God by having our sins forgiven and this is only accomplished through Scriptural baptism.
– We wear the name Christian, Saint, or Child of God as we read in scripture.
– Our fellowship is based upon the foundation of Biblical truth, and a lifestyle
compliant with the Gospel. We strive to love God with all our hearts and our
neighbors as ourselves.
– We acknowledge God as our creator and law-giver. He loved us enough to sacrifice
His Son for our salvation. In gratitude we are bound to comply with God’s plan, not
the other way around.
– The Bible is our authoritative guide and we reject all human creeds, catechisms
and confessions of faith.
– We do not, and will not, attempt to modernize the Bible’s message, nor make it
less objectionable. We don’t need to. God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
If you are weary and confused by changing religious messages then we’d like to talk
with you about joining us as we pattern ourselves after the Gospel revealed in the
New Testament, the only Gospel that saves!
History of the Grissom Road Church of Christ
The history of the Grissom Road congregation begins with the establishment of the Woodlawn Hills congregation.
The Woodlawn Hills congregation was formed in 1955, when members began meeting in the home of Toby Bunch at 807 Oakwood in San Antonio, Texas. Subsequently the church rented another neighborhood home for an assembly building, while property was purchased at 1742 Bandera Road. The original Bandera Road structure was completed in 1956. A classroom wing and extra restrooms were added in the 1970s.
Woodlawn Hills was fortunate to have qualified elders and deacons for 30 or more years. Eleven preachers labored with the congregation in its history of more than a half century. The stability of the congregation is a reflection of the good work done by its overseers and the solid preaching of such men as: Charles Waller, Harold Trimble, M. Roy Stevens, Frank Perigo, Dan Shipley, Carl Vernon, Hollis Windham, Joe Fitch, James DeVoll, John Evans and Terry Starling.
Woodlawn Hills was always known for its love of the truth and its steady support of gospel preaching. During much of its history, the congregation was financially able to fully support its own preacher, plus three ministers throughout the United States and several foreign countries.
By 2008, the church was at peace, and its membership growing. However, the facility on Bandera Road, while it had served well, was no longer adequate for the congregation’s needs, and there was no room for additional growth unless other facilities were secured. Thus, we started the planning process to relocate to a larger facility.
In 2008 we purchased 4.43 acres of unimproved land on Lost Lane at Grissom Road for a new facility. Members either gave additional funds and/or increased their contribution to support the building program.
In 2010, we selected Zuber Construction in Kerrville, TX to construct our new building. At the same time, we partnered with Broadway Bank for financing. The result of these relationships is the beautiful and functional facility we have today.
We held our first service as the Grissom Road church of Christ on October 16, 2011.
The Grissom Road Congregation continues the bible-based approach to faith and worship manifested by Woodlawn Hills. Our elders provide strong and unified leadership. Our deacons ensure the congregation runs smoothly. Our class teachers ensure everyone has the opportunity to better understand the teachings we follow, no matter their age. Our evangelist presents Bible-based sermons that make us all stronger. Our members, through their support and contributions, ensure the Grissom Road congregation will continue the rich history inherited from Woodlawn Hills.
We have a bright future.