Don’t Judge Me

Posted on: April 28th, 2013

“Don’t judge me”!  How many times have you used or heard this statement?  No one wants to hear about their faults, and never should we point out another’s sin.  Sin, what is Sin?  It is nothing more than a personal opinion about right and wrong, and so everyone should just mind their own business.  Besides, you have no right to tell me what I should and should not do because it is my life and I will do as I please.

I can understand why people do not want their lives and actions challenged.  We would like others to accept us just the way we are.  Maybe we enjoy our current life-style and do not want to change.  Perhaps we see another’s admonition about our behavior as arrogant and hypocritical.  Some even call on God, suggesting He condemns us for judging others. (Matt. 7:1)  So we should just keep our mouths shut and take care of our own lives.

Unfortunately, the pressure to say nothing about sin continues to increase on godly people.  Keep silent Christians while everyone else promotes Satan’s agenda.  Do not dare say anything to question or disapprove of another’s life and choices.  Close your eyes and mouth while the Devil uses education and the media to promote his cause.  Sadly, many so-called Christians take this approach because it seems easier for now to say nothing than to defend God’s Will.

To begin with, none of us goes through life without judging others.  In fact, if you say “you have no right to judge me” you just did what you say I have no right to do.  Is it alright to sit on a jury in a court of law, if so then you judge people?  Parents enforce their opinion about right and wrong when they correct their children.  While we may selectively choose not to judge some people or deeds, you are wrong if you believe you judge no one.

Clearly the Bible talks about judging others, and we must admit there are times when God condemns such.  For example, Jesus warns us not to hold others to a higher standard than we are willing to follow ourselves. (Matt. 23:3)  This is hypocrisy at its highest, and the Lord will hold us liable for such pretense.  He also tells us to clean up our own lives, especially when our sin is the beam in the eye variety. (Matt. 7:3-5)

We need to get the facts before we condemn another’s conduct.  If not, then we may form the wrong conclusions by judging them without knowing the whole story. (John 7:24)  So we need to get as many facts as we can and then base our opinions on God’s Word.  If we do this then we may rightly judge someone else. (2 Tim. 4:1-2)

While the Bible regulates our behavior, it also gives us many liberties.  In these freedoms we should never judge one another.  This was Paul’s point in Romans chapter fourteen.  The key is discriminating between liberty and what God demands from us.  Too often people try to claim that a matter of sin is an issue of freedom.  When this happens they in essence ignore what God condemns. (Isaiah 5:20)

Christ is the final judge of all, and we should not cross into His authority. (Acts 17:31)  Paul said, “For I know of nothing against myself, yet I am not justified by this; but He who judges me is the Lord.  Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness and reveal the counsels of the hearts.” (1 Cor. 4:4-5)  Even when we believe we are right, it is the Lord who judges our lives when He comes again.  And only then will everyone know their final standing with God.  None of us should presume to know everything about that day.

At the same time, God has already disclosed much about how this day will unfold.  We will stand before Christ and give an answer for our lives. (2 Cor. 5:10)  The verdict depends on us, whether we accepted and obeyed Jesus or not.  Please understand, we are not free to believe anything we want or to live anyway we choose, for the gospel is our guide. (Rom. 1:16-17)  In addition, God has already revealed those He will not save.  For example, He will not forgive those who reject Christ or who disobey His Word. (Titus 1:16)  Anyone who loves this world cannot reach heaven. (1 John 2:15-17)  If we do not put away the immoral acts of sin He will not save us. (Gal. 5:19-21)  So when I tell people what God has said, it is not I who judge but Him.

May I tell people it is wrong to fornicate, lie or teach error?  Is it my judgment when I say baptism saves us?  These are all teachings found in the Bible, given to us by God.  To repeat what God has already said is not me judging.  Not only may I do this, but I must if I want to please God. (Eph. 5:11)

Terry Starling