Ever since the Bible was written there have been infidels and atheists who have attempted to disprove its histories, impugn its motives, and misrepresent its morals. Skeptics and unbelievers often make the following argument against the Bible:
“The Bible is filled with errors, obvious myths and self-contradictions. This proves that it is not a book written by divine guidance, but by fallible men. Therefore, the Bible must simply be viewed as an ancient book which, although containing wise sayings and valuable illustrations of certain moral principles, should not be exalted to the status of a divine production.”
Those who believe the Bible to be the inspired word of God formulate an argument such as: “If the Bible contains characteristics that are totally beyond the capabilities of human beings, then the Bible was authored by a Being far superior to man (i.e. God).”
The characteristics within the Bible that are presented as those which are totally beyond the capabilities of human beings are: prophecies made and fulfilled, scientific foreknowledge, its amazing unity and others. Since the Bible does contain characteristics that are totally beyond the capabilities of human beings, then a Being who is far superior to man that is God authored the Bible.
We have two diametrically opposite positions. Either the Bible contains prophecies, scientific foreknowledge and unity, or it contains inaccuracies, inconsistencies and contradictions. If the Bible is not inspired, then the evidence (prophecies, etc.) that is used in an attempt to prove it inspired is incorrect. On the other hand, if the Bible is inspired, then the evidence (contradictions, etc.) that is used in an attempt to prove it uninspired is erroneous.
It must be stressed that when a possible explanation is given to a Bible difficulty, it is unreasonable to state that the passage contains a demonstrable error. Some difficulties in Scripture result from our inadequate knowledge about the circumstances, and do not necessarily involve an error. These only prove that we are ignorant of the background.
As historical and archaeological study proceed, new light is being shed on difficult portions of Scripture and many so-called “errors” have disappeared with the new understanding. We need a wait-and-see attitude on some problems.
While all Bible difficulties have not yet been cleared up, it is our conviction that as more knowledge is gained of the Bible’s past, these problems will fade away also. The Bible has been verified enough that we have every reason to believe even those things not yet verified.
The Biblical conception of God is an all-knowing, all-powerful Being who does not contradict Himself, and so we feel that His Word, when properly understood, will not contradict itself either.
To charge that contradictions really exist in the Bible implies a number of other propositions one must accept: (1) God is a liar, (2) God has not revealed Himself, (3) the Bible’s claim of inspiration is false, (4) truth is not as powerful as contradictions and lies, and (5) man does not have the answers that have agitated human minds since the dawn of creation Who am I? From where did I come? What should I do while here on earth? Where am I going when I die?
As Christians we believe and teach that the Bible is the inspired Word of Almighty God. You are cordially invited to attend our services where the Word of God is presented rather than the wisdom men.
Shawn Jeffries