No Mulligans

July 14, 2013
How many of us have ever wished for a "Do Over" or "Reset" button. We would like the opportunity to undo things at times or try again. This is because,…
Terry continues on the subject of Humility which he began this morning. He explains how humility promotes our doing the right things, proper listening, repentance, and servitude.
Terry begins a two part lesson on the subject of Humility. We are assailed on all sides by a society which glories in just the opposite of humility yet humility…


June 16, 2013
How important is water to you and I? The fact is, water is a strong central theme in the Word of God. Listen to Terry as he speaks on water…
The world certainly has no problem with standing up and declaring evil good and good evil. We live in a time when it is difficult to stand up for Bible…