The Power of Choice

December 14, 2014
The power of Choice has been given to us by God. We were made in God's image and likeness. We read about all the other parts of creation and to…
Stephen, inspired by and full of God’s grace, was beset by false witnesses as he performed miracles and taught the people Christ and His message. Ultimately, Stephen was executed after…

Becoming Teachers

December 7, 2014
All Christians must learn to teach. We have a responsibility to grow to a point to be able to teach and reach out to those who are lost and instruct…

We All Are to Serve

November 30, 2014
We need Deacons. No, not because the current ones aren’t doing a good job. It is because our needs have grown with the size and changing needs of the congregation.…

Redeeming the Time

November 23, 2014
Garrett knows from personal experience just how hard it can be to manage time effectively. Many of us have such issues, and unfortunately, even when it comes to our service…